As iron sharpens iron, so one sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Stephen Ministry is a core part of who we are here at FUMC. Our team of Stephen Ministers is a group of laypeople who offer one-on-one care to folks who are struggling. Whether you have lost your job, received a difficult diagnosis, learned of the death of a family member, or you aren’t really sure why you’re having trouble, our Stephen Ministers are here to help, regardless of your affiliation (or lack thereof) with our church. Just as Christ has bore our burdens, he calls us to bear the burdens of others. Our Stephen Ministers are specially trained to walk alongside you, pray with you, and listen to you if you are in need of care.
If you are in need of care, please contact our lead Stephen Minister, Gary McCullough at 217-820-9518.
If you are in need of care, please contact our lead Stephen Minister, Gary McCullough at 217-820-9518.